
Ethereum Foundation Internal Update

Now that Ethereum has launched and is rapidly nearing its Homestead phase, over the last few months we at the Ethereum Foundation have finally had the chance to have some breathing room and plan our strategies with a more long-term view. From a develop...

Understanding Serenity, Part 2: Casper

Special thanks to Vlad Zamfir for introducing the idea of by-block consensus and convincing me of its merits, alongside many of the other core ideas of Casper, and to Vlad Zamfir and Greg Meredith for their continued work on the protocol In the last p...

Merkling in Ethereum

Merkle trees are a fundamental part of what makes blockchains tick. Although it is definitely theoretically possible to make a blockchain without Merkle trees, simply by creating giant block headers that directly contain every transaction, doing so pos...

Stateful Turing-Complete Policies

One of the major security challenges of the internet over the last twenty years has consistently been the rather simple problem of securing user accounts. Right now, users have accounts with hundreds of websites, and dozens of passwords, leading to lar...

Ethereum Dev Update 2015 / Week 44

With DEVCON1 a mere week away, the teams are excited and preparing to share all the great tools and technology the ecosystem has to offer. There will be hundreds of developers and dozens of talks including Nick Szabo, Vitalik Buterin, and Marley Gray f...

Microsoft to Sponsor Ethereum’s DEVCON1

London, United Kingdom, October 28th - Ethereum is happy to announce that Microsoft will sponsor and attend DΞVCON1, the premier Ethereum developer conference. Marley Gray, Director of Technology Strategy US Financial Services at Microsoft said, "Micr...

Vitalik’s Research and Ecosystem Update

Over the last five days, myself, our executive director Ming Chan, and several others from the Ethereum team and Ethereum-based projects and businesses including Maker, String/Dfinity and Consensys have been visiting China and Hong Kong, where there ha...

Ethereum Dev Update 2015 / Week 41

In an effort to bring the community more information about the going-ons at Ethereum, we're planning to release semi-weekly updates of project progress. I hope this provides some high-level information without having to live on GitHub ;) The Go and C+...

The Evolution of Ethereum

Many of you know that the Ethereum platform grew out of the realization that blockchains can go far beyond currency, together with a frustration with the limitations of previous projects. The core idea was simple: a blockchain with a built-in Turing-co...

More uncle statistics

The following are some interesting results on the performance of different miners over the course of the first 280,000 blocks of the Ethereum blockchain. For this timespan I have collected the list of block and uncle coinbase addresses; raw data can be...

DEVcon is back!

DevCon 1 will be happening in London on November 9-13, a little over one hundred days since the Ethereum network launched. Over the last months, we’ve seen the network grow from a few hundred nodes starting on that one exciting and special night to a v...

Ethereum Comms Announcement

The foundation is currently in the phase of restructuring its communications activities. Several members of our current communications team in London are soon leaving or reducing their involvement in the Foundation in order to pursue for-profit venture...

Ethereum Wallet – Developer Preview

We are happy to announce our very first developer-preview of the Ethereum Wallet ÐApp. The point of this release is to gather feedback, squash bugs and, most importantly, get the code audited. Please note that this is a developer-preview and not the f...

On Slow and Fast Block Times

One of the largest sources of confusion in the question of blockchain security is the precise effect of the block time. If one blockchain has a block time of 10 minutes, and the other has an estimated block time of 17 seconds, then what exactly does th...

A message from Stephan Tual

To the wonderful Ethereum Community, You often heard me say at conferences that Ethereum was not a company, a foundation, an implementation, or an individual. Ethereum is both an idea and an ideal, encompassing the first censorship-resistant network b...

devcon one postponed until further notice

Unfortunately we were not able to secure the venue for devcon one in London on the dates desired (October 5th-8th). As a consequence we are postponing the event until further notice.  Please do not make travel plans at this time. Updates will be forthc...

On Anti-Pre-Revelation Games

An increasing number of proposed applications on top of Ethereum rely on some kind of incentivized, multi-party data provision - whether voting, random number collection, or other use cases where getting information from multiple parties to increase de...

Olympic Rewards Announced

ETH DEV would like to thank everyone for their participation in the Olympic test network, which helped us greatly in stress testing, optimization, and finding bugs in the Ethereum clients, as well as determining what the limits of the current Ethereum ...