
PKT Cash – Development Update August 2021

As August 2021 wraps up, the PKT community is growing at a remarkable rate. There are many notable milestones and achievements to share. PKT is an open-source project. All of...
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Finalized no. 28

The Road to Altair edition 🛣⭐️ tl;dr Pyrmont upgrade successful, scenario testing underway Prater upgrade scheduled for September 2, 12pm UTC Mainnet to follow...

Grantee Roundup: July 2021

It’s always fun to hear about new grants as they’re awarded, but what happens after the announcement? In this series, we’ll check in on a couple of projects that are well underway - or already at the finish line. Read on to learn about some recent mile...

Road to Devcon Meetup and Event Grants

Community organizers are the glue that holds the Ethereum ecosystem together, and whether they're leading large-scale events, local meetups, hackathons or seminars, we might all be wandering in the dark forest of the analog world without them. But wher...

PKT Cash – Development Update July 2021

The July 2021 development update coincides with numerous milestones, including the PKT blockchain crossing the 1 millionth block, the completion of the 7th decimation, and milestone achievements for the PKT...
The post PKT Cash – Development Update July 2021 appeared first on PKT Cash Blog.

Allocation Update: Q1 2021

Happy July! Read on for the list of projects funded in Q1 of this year. But first: office hours are in session! Signups are open now through this Sunday (July 4) for teams or individuals to request a one-on-one call with the ESP team during the week o...

London Testnets Announcement

The long-anticipated London upgrade is now ready for deployement on the Ethereum testnets! The upgrade will first go live on Ropsten, at block 10499401, which is expected to happen around June 24, 2021. This upgrade follows Berlin, which was activated...

Grantee Roundup: May 2021

It’s always fun to hear about new grants as they’re awarded, but what happens after the announcement? In this series, we’ll check in on a couple of projects that are well underway - or already at the finish line. Read on to learn about some recent mile...

Quests along the Road to Devcon

Friends, As the Ethereum ecosystem continues to grow and mature at break-neck speeds, we continue to work hard on delivering an amazing Devcon 6. Though the timing is still unclear as to when we’ll all be able to reunite in Bogota, we want to keep our...

Core Developer Apprenticeship Program

Have you have ever been interested in getting involved in the development of the core Ethereum protocols? If so, there is a new program to discuss that's targeted at you. As part of an EF procotol-support initiative, I'm very excited to announce the "C...

Grantee Roundup: April 2021

It’s always fun to hear about new grants as they’re awarded, but what happens after the announcement? In this series, we’ll check in on a couple of projects that are well underway - or already at the finish line. Read on to learn about some recent mile...

Grantee Roundup: March 2021

It’s always fun to hear about new grants as they’re awarded, but what happens after the announcement? In this series, we’ll check in on projects that are well underway - or already at the finish line. Read on to learn about some recent milestones and a...

Supporting Ethereum’s Client Ecosystem

With the arrival of the beacon chain in 2020, Ethereum today supports two types of clients: those focusing on the execution-layer (often referred to as eth1) and those powering the proof-of-stake consensus layer (aka eth2). As those running validators ...

Allocation Update: Q4 2020

2021 is just getting started, but it's already been quite an eventful year! We've got the list of Q4 funded projects below, but we also want to share some updates from the ESP team. We're always looking for more ways to support the ecosystem as it grow...