Lilli Beth G. Zosa

Month-Ahead Inflation Forecast for January 2024

PDate: 1/31/2024
Content: ​The BSP projects January 2024 inflation to settle within the range of 2.8 to 3.6 percent. Higher prices of some agricultural items, like rice, meat, fruits, and fish, along with increased petroleum prices, electricity and wat...

Banks Maintain Credit Standards in Q4 2023

PDate: 1/26/2024
Content: ​Results of the Q4 2023 Senior Bank Loan Officers’ Survey (SLOS)1  indicated that most of the respondent banks kept their credit standards generally unchanged for lending to businesses and consumers based on the modal app...

BSP Assistant Governor Ala Bags WOMANi Award Anew

PDate: 1/24/2024
Content: BSP Assistant Governor Arifa Ala (center), one of WOMANi’s “Most Influential Women in Islamic Business and Finance,” receives award from (left) Professor Humayon Dar, Chairperson of the WOMANi Programme and Director General of...

BSP Governor Joins World Economic Forum 2024

PDate: 1/23/2024
Content: ​Photos (from left) show BSP Governor Eli M. Remolona, Jr. at the World Economic Forum sessions on “Technology and Innovation in Financial Services: Balancing Promises and Risks;” “Financial Health: Key to Empowerment ...

Former Finance Sec. Diokno Completes Monetary Board

PDate: 1/16/2024
Content:  ​Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas Governor Eli M. Remolona, Jr. (left) swears in former Finance Secretary Benjamin E. Diokno as a full-time Monetary Board Member on 12 January 2024 at the BSP head office in Manila. Former Fin...

BSP Rediscount Rates Effective 09 January 2024

PDate: 1/8/2024
Content: ​Effective 09 January 2024, the applicable rediscount rates for the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP) Peso Rediscount Facility and Exporters’ Dollar and Yen Rediscount Facility are as follows:a. Peso Rediscount Facility ​Lo...

BSP Partnership with BAIPHIL

PDate: 1/8/2024
Content: ​BSP Governor Eli M. Remolona, Jr. and BAIPHIL President Racquel B. Mañago shake hands after signing a memorandum of understanding (MOU), covering collaboration on productivity enhancements for banks through research, informati...

FCDU Lending Increased in Q3 2023

PDate: 12/29/2023
Content: Outstanding loans granted by Foreign Currency Deposit Units (FCDU) of banks stood at US$15.5 billion as of end-September 2023, an increase of US$109 million or by 0.7 percent from the end-June 2023 level of US$15.4 billion as...

Residential Real Estate Prices Increase in Q3 2023

PDate: 12/29/2023
Content: ​Nationwide residential property prices rise by 12.9% YoY and 3.4% QoQ in Q3 2023Residential real estate prices of various types of new housing units in the Philippines continued to increase in Q3 2023, rising by 12.9 percent...

Month-Ahead Inflation Forecast for December 2023

PDate: 12/29/2023
Content: ​The BSP projects December 2023 inflation to settle within the range of 3.6 to 4.4 percent. Higher prices of rice and meat are seen as the primary sources of upward price pressures in December. Meanwhile, lower prices for agr...