Lilli Beth G. Zosa

Most Banks Kept Credit Standards Steady in Q3 2023

PDate: 10/27/2023
Content: ​Results of the Q3 2023 Senior Bank Loan Officers’ Survey (SLOS)1​ reflected that a majority of the participating banks maintained their credit standards for loans to firms and households based on the modal approach.2&#1...

Residential Real Estate Prices Increase in Q2 2023

PDate: 10/26/2023
Content: ​Nationwide residential property prices rise by 14.1% YoY and 5.3% QoQ in Q2 2023The residential real estate prices of various types of new housing units in the Philippines rose faster in Q2 2023 by 14.1 percent year-on-year ...

BSP, DTI Sign MOA on Conduct of First Cashless Expo

PDate: 10/26/2023
Content:  The Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP) and the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) formally sealed their partnership for the conduct of the country’s first Cashless Expo.BSP Deputy Governor (DG) Mamerto E. Tangonan (i...

BSP Remains Steadfast in Pursuing Inflation Mandate

PDate: 10/24/2023
Content: Photo shows (from right) Monetary Board Member V. Bruce J. Tolentino, Department of Finance Chief Economic Counselor Zeno Ronald R. Abenoja, and Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas Deputy Governor Francisco G. Dakila, Jr. during the ...

BSP and CDA Sign MOA on Cooperative Oversight

PDate: 10/23/2023
Content: ​​Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP) Governor Eli M. Remolona, Jr. (third from left) and Cooperative Development Authority (CDA) Chairman and Undersecretary Joseph B. Encabo (second from left) sign the Memorandum of Agreement ...