Ethereum Blog

Ethereum Foundation Grants Program Wave 5

The Ethereum Foundation Grants Program is an ongoing and continually improving experiment into how the EF can best invest the Ethereum community’s resources for the highest long-term impact on the Ethereum ecosystem. When the Grants Program began in ea...

Devcon4 Videos and Pictures Released!

We're happy to announce that the presentation videos from Devcon4 are now available for viewing! As promised, we recorded sessions from the following rooms: Spectrum (Main Stage), Prism (Side Stage), Radiant Orchid (Breakout Room), and Ultra Violet (B...

Solidity Bugfix Release

The latest version 0.4.25 release of Solidity fixes two important bugs. Another important bug has already been fixed in version 0.4.22 but it was only discovered recently that the bug existed. Note that the Ethereum Foundation runs a bounty program fo...

Devcon4 Call for Participation!

When we asked many of you, “What are you most excited for at Devcon4?” most people replied: the people! This is the one time a year we all get together in one place. We don’t want to spend all of our time at Devcon sitting in a dark room, staring...

Answers to your top 3 Devcon4 questions

Your friendly Devcon4 planning team, here to answer your top 3 questions: When’s the next wave of ticket sales? Mark your calendars! We plan to release the next wave of General Admissions tickets on Tuesday, August 7 at 8AM PST. Anyone who applied fo...

Devcon4 Application Deadlines Coming Soon

Přátelé. Just a quick update today! Applications for sponsorships, scholarships, student discounts and builder discounts will be up until 11:59PM PST on July 24th. After that, there will no longer be a way to submit an application for these tracks. P...

Devcon4 Ticket Sales

Friends, Today, we’re happy to announce some significant updates to the Devcon4 website, and with it we wanted to unveil a bit about the ticketing and discount processes and more! Applications for scholarships and builder & student discounts are now ...

Devcon4 Announcement

Přátelé, Now that we’re well into the year, we know that many of you have started to plan ahead for changing weather, holiday celebrations, and (of course) Devcon! We’re excited to announce today that Devcon4 will take place in Prague from 30 October...

Geth 1.8 – Iceberg¹

After waaay too much time under development, we're proud to finally announce version 1.8.0 of the Go Ethereum client: Iceberg! The release fixes a lot of pain points felt by the community and ships a few notable new features, tallying up to ~170 modifi...

Farewell and Welcome

It is with sadness that we announce that Ming Chan, who has served as Executive Director at the Ethereum Foundation for nearly three years, is leaving the Foundation. Since her arrival in 2015, she has played a critical role in the development and succ...

To Infinity and Beyond!

Dear Ethereum community (and wonderful Etherheads!), Today, January 31, 2018, is my last day as Executive Director of the Ethereum Foundation. I’m pleased to have been able to guide the Foundation as ED with my fellow directors, team leads, and outst...

Q4 Roundup

Ethereum has grown very rapidly in the last few months. Transaction volume on the blockchain has more than doubled, surpassing 10 transactions per second for days at a time. The number of new accounts created per day passed 100,000

Devcon3 videos available now!

To accommodate the biggest post-devcon request, we're happy to announce that Devcon3 videos are now available for viewing! As promised, we recorded sessions from both the main hall and breakout hall on all four days of Devcon3. Given we had two halls ...


A note from the ED: A big thanks to our attending dev community, presenters, internal team, sponsors, enthusiasts, volunteers, event team, students and other stakeholders for coming together for another phenomenal Devcon3! First of all, yes, video of...